Type of Mattress Springs

Type of Mattress Springs – Jory Henley

jory henley matress


Continuous Spring Mattresses are sometimes also referred to as Mira Coil Mattresses and are made from a single length of wire which is 'knitted' into a series of interwoven springs which usually run up and down the length of a mattress with a vertical rather than a horizontal linking system. As a general rule these mattresses use a lighter gauge of wire than open coil mattresses which will usually mean a reduced level of support. Continuous Coil Mattress are usually finished with a layer of thick quilting. Continuous Coil Mattress are very much an entry level sleeping solution and should not be chosen for the long term.


jory henley matress Continuous Spring


Bonnell Springs are hourglass-shaped, and the end s of the wire are knotted or wrapped around the top and bottom circular portion of the coil and self-tied. All the individual springs are then tied together using spring wire, and the completed structure is reinforced with a strong border wire to retain shape. Bonnell Springs are the oldest and most common mattress spring system, which was adapted from buggy seat spring of 19th century. They are still prevalent in mid-priced mattress.


Continuous coils or Mira-coils is simply that, one continuous coil in an up and down fashion forming one row (usually from head to toe) of what appear to be individual coils. The advantage is a firm mattress like a Bonnell spring, but with no motion transfer (since the spring are formed from head-to-toe and not along the breadth like a Bonnell spring).


In a Pocket Spring mattress, the springs are wrapped inside an individual fabric case. Automated machines coil the wires and seal the coil inside the fabric encasement. Once wrapped, these individual springs are attached to each other to maintain the shape of the mattress. Since only the fabric encasement is attached the coils inside can move independently of the springs adjacent to it, and the weight on one spring does not affect its neighbours. More than half the consumers would choose to buy pocket spring mattress for themselves.


Pocket Spring vs. Bonnell Springs

Bonnell spring mattress owners often complain of the rigid border wire being felt. This happens when sufficient cushioning has not been used in the mattress. No border wire is used in Pocket Spring mattresses.



In a Bonnell spring mattress all the springs are tied together, what happens on one side of the mattress directly affects what happens on the other side. So when someone flops into bed, you can be jolted clear up off your side of the bed. In Pocket spring mattresses no motion-transfer take place.

Bonnell spring mattress users also experience what is called ‘the valley’. Two people sleeping close to each other will create a valley that they both roll into, colliding in the middle. Also ­when sleeping close to the edge of the mattress, there is a risk of rolling-off the mattress if sufficient edge-support is not there. In a Pocketed spring mattress, the springs moved independently and movements on one part of the mattresses does not affect rest of the mattress.


Pillow top

A pillow top mattresses looks like a pillow lying on the top of the mattress. The top part is an additional padding stitched on top of the mattress, which looks like you could pull the extra padding off the mattress, but it is sewn underneath to keep it in place.

Memory Foam vs. Latex


Memory Foam

Memory foam mattresses outperform latex mattresses in all tests which measure comfort, like proper blood circulation. Pressure point relief is a clear sign of comfort. A memory foam mattress offers your body the best sleep surface on the market, with better blood circulation and contouring support being big pluses. But, most memory foam is made using harsh chemicals. Petroleum based memory foams are made using known carcinogens and have been linked to itchy eyes, respiratory issues, headaches etc.

Making the healthy choice (natural latex) or comfortable choice (memory foam is a dilemma for consumers.


Natural Latex

Latex mattresses have been around since 50’s, and are some of the healthiest and eco-friendliest mattresses available. True natural latex, without synthetic latex or fillers blended in, is simply natural foam rubber. For comfortable sleep, you need a responsive surface for pressure relief and appropriate support for your spine and your shape. Natural latex foam is so versatile it can meet all of these needs.

With a customizable, layered design, a natural latex mattress can be made very soft, very firm or a wide range of options in between- even on different side. Unlike most other foams, natural latex breathes, which discourages build-up of moisture and heat in the mattress interior. Latex does not transfer motion the way most innersprings do, so you can say “goodnight” to bouncing in your partner’s wake.